My Favorite Poets/Writers


The following list consists of poets and writers whose work I admire and recommend. I have met most of these talented women through writing groups, marketing collectives, fellowships (such as Jack Straw) and/or through attending their readings:

Kelli Russell Agodon

Nassim Assefi

Elizabeth Austen

Lana Hechtman Ayers

Sheila Bender

Ronda Broatch

Wendy Call

Sarah Callender

Nancy Canyon

Jennifer Culkin

Kelly Davio

Janna Cawrse Esarey

Kathleen Flenniken

Jeannine Hall Gailey

Holly Hughes

Ann Batchelor Hursey

Debra Jarvis

Janet Norman Knox

Jenifer Browne Lawrence

Kate Lebo

Carol Levin

Erin Malone

Marjorie Manwaring

Anne McDuffie

Brenda Miller

Larissa Min

Donna Miscolta

Natasha Kochicheril Moni

Nancy Pagh

Midge Raymond

Susan Rich

Bonnie J. Rough

Martha Silano

Joannie Kervran Stangeland

Molly Tenenbaum

Ann Teplick

Nora Wendl

Katharine Whitcomb

Maritess Zurbano